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#PIF Lingo and Hashtags
#pegitforward code words and phrases used by #TeamPegItForward
#comp [komp] - comped [komp’d] noun, verb
Short for “compliment”: an expression of admiration; a gift.
A peg with a compliment or positive message written on it.
The act of placing a comp onto a target.
Examples: “Nice comp, bro!” or “I just comped that person’s backpack!”
#pegninja [peg nin-juh] noun
Awesome person who pegs comps onto unsuspecting targets.
#boom [boom] noun
The word a #pegninja says to indicate to other #pegninjas that a comp has been successfully pegged onto a target.
Example: “Boom!”
#pegpic [peg-pik] noun
Photograph of a comp either before of after it has been pegged onto a target.
#leapfrog [leep-frog, -frawg] noun, verb leap•frogged, leap•frogging
Technique by which peg ninjas acquire the most peg pics.
Two or more peg ninjas walk in a single-file line 10 feet apart from each other. While the lead peg ninja in front is ready to comp, the following peg ninja has their camera ready. After the lead peg ninja comps a target and shifts to the back of the line, the next peg ninja snaps a picture of the successful comp, posts it online, and then becomes the lead. The process then repeats.
#driveby [drahyv-bahy] noun
The act of successfully comping a target that is walking by you in the opposite direction. The most challenging of peg moves.
#ghostpeg [gohst-peg] noun
A peg that appears on a target from out of nowhere.
When a peg ninja is about to comp a target, but then realizes that someone already did.
#pegtail [peg-teyl] noun
A comp that has been pegged on the back bottom center of a target’s shirt, blouse, top, or jacket.
#pegback [peg-bak] noun
A play on words for “payback”
The act or fact of re-pegging a comp onto the peg ninja who pegged you first.
Example: "Pegback's a b*tch!"